Pig Works Ambassadors

Follow along with this diverse group of runners and walkers as they train for various 2025 Flying Pig, Queen Bee, FCC3, and TQL Beer Series races this year. Let’s fly!

Amy Xie

Amy Xie

I started running in university and have come to love running along with the community that comes with this sport.

Favorite race distance: 5K or half

Spot me at these races: Columbus Half/Full, Ohio State 4-miler, Heart Mini, Honor Run, Various races locally and throughout the midwest (TBD)

Playing through my headphones: I do not have a favorite song, but I love listening to music that I can dance to while working out.

On my plate for a post-race meal: Brunch or Pizza.

My special race-day ritual: Wake up early, eat a light breakfast (peanut butter & banana toast, or avocado toast with smoked salmon & an egg), and a warm up jog.

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: Have fun and make it your race! Make sure to smile at the finish line :)

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Angela Moran

Angela Moran

Running, Jumping, Rolling, or Throwing, Angela Moran is a blind athlete who loves adventure and any opportunity to help make the world a better place.

Favorite race distance: Half marathon

Spot me in these races: Richmond, local races, hopefully a world major marathon, if not some full marathon in the fall.

Playing through my headphones: Roar by Katy Perry, Without you featuring Usher, Good Day by Forrest Frank, DJ Got us falling in love, too many!

On my plate for a post-race meal: Watermelon

My special race-day ritual: Coffee and getting to the start line.

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: You can do anything, one step at a time!

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Anna Humes

Anna Humes

I’m a mental health therapist, bling chaser and native to the a Northern KY area. I love encouraging others to join me on the pavement for joyful movement. Running and walking help keep me connected with myself and my community.

Favorite race distance: A fun 5k, with a sprinkles of half marathons

Spot me at these races: Selma to Montgomery 51 mile relay and OF COURSE the Queen Bee! I’m a big fan of Honey Bee!

Playing through my headphones: Party Rock Anthem

On my plate for a post-race meal: My free banana!

My special race-day ritual: Set my clothes out, hydrate and fuel.

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: Breathe- trust your training and have the most fun. Your race, your pace!

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Aurelio Carrillo

Aurelio Carrillo

I’m originally from Peru and have lived in NKY since 2013. Flying Pig weekend is my favorite weekend and I’ve done at least one race every year since 2016.

Favorite race distance: Half Marathon

Spot me in these races: Gasparilla Half, Wendell Foster Half, Carmel Marathon, Atlantic City Marathon

Playing through my headphones: The Champion

On my plate for a post-race meal: Pizza

My special race-day ritual: Wake up early, eat a granola bar and/or wafer and hydrate.

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Enjoy the awesome weekend!

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Bill Clark

Bill Clark

I am a pastor of a church in Northern Kentucky who was introduced to marathons by leading a group of volunteers at the Flying Pig finish line in 2009. I used to think people who run were crazy, until some amazing friends got me into it, and I ran my first ever half marathon at the Flying Pig in 2018. I am so thankful for the friendships and life lessons I keep gaining as I just… keep… running!

Favorite race distance: It has to be the Marathon! I’m still in awe of what it takes to train for it and conquer it.

Spot me at these races: Cincinnati Cyclones Frozen 10K, Heart Mini, Carmel Marathon, Edgewood KY July 4 5K, Sound the Alarm 5K, and the Marine Corps Marathon.

Playing through my headphones: ”Try Anything” by Shakira (any Zootopia fans out there)

On my plate for a post-race meal: Cheeseburger and Fries!!!

My special race-day ritual: A good hot shower first thing to get the blood flowing, a light breakfast featuring Honey Stinger Waffles or Pop Tarts, time alone to pray and remember my WHY, THEN GET TO THE CORRAL AND GO RUN WITH JOY!!!

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: Get a training plan and stick with it. AND TRUST the training. We all battle doubts and have days when you think there’s no way you can do this. YOU CAN & WILL DO THIS. And make every effort to run with someone else or a group at least once a week. The miles are sweeter and go by faster when you run them TOGETHER!

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Brian Harmon

Brian Harmon

I’m a high school art teacher, semi-professional cosplayer, and running enthusiast. I started seriously training when my son beat me at a race. I couldn’t let that slide.

Favorite race distance: I love the half marathon distance.

Spot me at these races: I’m a bit of last-minute registerer, but you can catch me at most Pig Works races plus Indy Monumental, Railsplitter Run, and Edgewood 5k.

Playing through my headphones: I’m on a big Coheed & Cambria kick right now.

On my plate for a post-race meal: I love me some post-race Chipotle or Cici’s Pizza.

My special race-day ritual: Hit the bathroom on the way to the start and I'm good.

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: Train hills! I love the Flying Pig races, but they don’t skip the inclines.

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Caroline Keating

Caroline Keating

Multiple Flying Pig Marathon finisher and Pig enthusiast, ultimate Reds Fan, and Heart Disease Thriver

Favorite race distance: Marathon

Spot me in these races: Flying Pig Marathon, Queen Bee Half, TQL Beer Series

Playing through my headphones: Anything Taylor Swift or Riley Green

On my plate for a post-race meal: Pizza

My special race day ritual: Oatmeal for breakfast

My advice for future PigWorks race participants: Enjoy the crowd, when it gets hard (and it will), let the people of Cincy pull you to the finish!

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Christina Austin

Christina Austin

Hi everyone! Christina Austin here. I am a kidney, egg, and liver donor, competitive marathoner, and full-time Interior Architecture student, passionate about inclusion, organ donation, and affordable housing design.

Favorite race distance: Marathon

Spot me at these races: NYC Half Marathon, Love Run, Flying Pig 4-Way, and Columbus Half Marathon

Playing through my headphones: Lose Control by Missy Elliott

On my plate for a post-race meal: PIZZA!

My special race-day ritual: I wake up and have my coffee with my husband. It’s our time together to talk about the day and prepare for an amazing day! No better way to start the day than with your biggest supporter.

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: Enjoy every mile! It’s the best crowd support you’ll ever see.

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Corryn Greenwood

Corryn Greenwood

Corryn started running later in life to combat stress associated with being a neonatal intensive care unit physician. Running has transformed her life in unanticipated ways and has connected her to so many people

Favorite race distance: Half marathon

Spot me in these races: Chicago Shamrock Shuffle, Flossmoor Hidden Gem Half, Chicago Marathon

Playing through my headphones: Metallica’s Master of Puppets

On my plate for a post-race meal: Pizza!

My special race-day ritual: Coffee, some carbs and a bit of protein. Soft tissue mobilization and good thoughts for a productive pre race bathroom visit.

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Soak it all in. Smile. Take photos. The course, spectators and volunteers are like no other race I have experienced. Practice on hills if you can and don’t let them psych you out.

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Gloria Ruiz

Gloria Ruiz

My name is Gloria, and I’m from Dallas, Texas. This will be my third time running the Flying Pig, and I’m one year closer to making Squadron. I love running so much that I’ve completed over 110 half marathons and 11 full marathons. In 2025, I aim to become a 6-star finisher by completing the London Marathon. I’m always looking for new running friends, so don’t hesitate to say hi!

Favorite race distance: Half Marathon

Spot me at these races: Louisiana Half Marathon, London Marathon, Kansas City Half Marathon...more to come

Playing through my headphones: I'm Good (Blue) David Guetta, Bebe Rexha

On my plate for a post-race meal: Graeter's Ice Cream!

My special race-day ritual: Selfie in front of the Paycor Stadium!

Advice for future Pig Works race participants: Enjoy the goodies on course!

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Joe Lind

Joe Lind

I have completed 16 full and 10 half marathons. I have run in every Flying Pig event and have loved every minute of it. I have been married for 42 years, a grandpa of 4 and Dad of 3.

Favorite race distance: Full Marathon

Playing through my headphones: Lose Yourself by Eminem

On my plate for a post-race meal: Steak

My special race-day ritual: Get up early, have breakfast take a walk and get to the race 30 minutes early

Advice for future Pig Works race participants: Train train and train. Do not get frustrated because it is the greatest feeling in the world when you cross the finish line. Just keep going.

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Larry Onokpite

Larry Onokpite

I believe running is about joy, building community and pushing our unique limits. As a Pig Work ambassador, I am excited to share my love for running and inspire others, even just one more person, to embrace every step of their running journey with joy!

Favorite race distance: Half Marathon

Spot me in these races: I plan to run my first major in Chicago!! Yeah!

Playing through my headphones: Simi - Aimasiko

On my plate for a post-race meal: Waffles

My special race day ritual: Yea! As I line up, I will ask my girlfriend: "What time am I finishing this race today?"

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Flying Pig is a gracious experience for any runner. You will enjoy the cheer and spirit on the route, the city is beautiful and you will learn something special about yourself on that course! Hey! You will be running the best marathon in the USA!

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Levi is a 5 year old German Shepherd mix who loves exploring, running, playing with his toys, and napping. He is proud to run the Flying Fur for the fourth time in 2025 and to represent mutts and rescue dogs everywhere!

Favorite race distance: A couple of miles, maybe?

Spot me at these races: My mommy will run the Queen Bee (without me)

Playing through my headphones: Mommy won't let me listen to music while I run

On my plate for a post-race meal: hot dogs

My special race-day ritual: Mommy and I like to get our photo taken at the Flying Pig Expo

Advice for future Pig Works race participants: You will love the Flying Fur!

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Lily Diebold

Lily Diebold

Life long Flying Pig enthusiast, 4-time half marathoner, former XC runner, and current student at NKU. I ran my first Flying Pig race at 2 years old in 2009 and now, many years, races, and miles later, I'm traning for my first full marathon!

Favorite race distance: Half Marathon

Spot me at these races: Flying Pig Full and probably a half or two that are still TBD!

Playing through my headphones: Dog Days Are Over - Florence and the Machine

On my plate for a post-race meal: Chocolate milk and a donut

My special race-day ritual: Make a new playlist that's just as long as my goal finish time and wear my lucky socks!

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: Instead of spending your energy comparing yourself to other runners, just focus on what’s best for you and your race! Most importantly - Smile and enjoy the race!

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Matt Snyder

Matt Snyder

Full-time dad looking to stay active to motivate and keep up with my children. I’ve always enjoyed testing and challenging my personal abilities

Favorite race distance: Full marathon

Spot me in these races: I plan to run a 100 mile ultra

Playing through my headphones: I go music free to hear everything around me

On my plate for a post-race meal: Not sure I have a favorite

My special race-day ritual: I like to get up extra early to allow my body to wake up

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Enjoy the process and be patient with the training

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Max Long

Max Long

I am an avid runner and run coach with a passion for sustainability, community and health.

Favorite race distance: Half Marathon

Spot me in these races: Chicago Marathon or Zagreb Marathon, Frozen 5K, Hungry Turkey Half Marathon, other local 5Ks, potentially a Little Miami Trail FKT attempt...

Playing through my headphones: "What Is Hip?" by Tower of Power

On my plate for a post-race meal: A Skyline cheese coney and an ice cold beer

My special race day ritual: Domino's pan pizza the night before race day. Always.

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Hydrate!

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McKenna Brooks

McKenna Brooks

McKenna is a passionate runner and mom who's been running 1/2 and Full Marathons since 2010, and she uses it as a social outlet, for physical & mental health to help manage her diabetes. She is supported by her wonderful husband, John, and her two kids who she hopes will also fall in love with running in Cincy as they grow up!

Favorite race distance: Marathon

Spot me at these races: The Flying Pig Marathon, Chicago Marathon, Queen Bee 1/2 and TQL Beer Series

Playing through my headphones: Titanium

On my plate for a post-race meal: Chicken Nachos and a big Beer!

My special race-day ritual: Eating a big breakfast and walking the dogs as my "shake out"

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Know you're going to be in for one of the best days of your life! The energy across NKY and Cincinnati are infectious and the athletes all are having the best time together!

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Miara Miles

Miara Miles

My name is Miara. Around 4.5 years ago I lost my ability to walk due to health problems. With physical therapy and determination, I regained my ability to walk and am now a PigAbilities athlete! I am passionate about advocating for people with disabilities and for inclusion.

Favorite race distance: PigAbilities- 1 mile

Spot me at these races: PigAbilities, Mini Heart, NAMI walk, Cincinnati Children’s Walk, and possibly other charity walks!

Playing through my headphones: Overcomer by Mandisa and 2010 pop music

On my plate for a post-race meal: Ice cold coca cola!

My special race-day ritual: Cuddle w/ my dog and then meet up w/ friends to walk together

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: It doesn’t matter how fast you go. Have fun, get to that finish line and enjoy your medal!

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Michelle Johnston

Michelle Johnston

I recently moved to Baltimore for pharmacy residency, but lived in Cincinnati for the six years prior where I was a proud member of the Roebling Runners and on the University of Cincinnati Rowing Team. I became an avid runner in college and have been running daily since January 1, 2023!

Favorite race distance: I love marathon and half-marathon races!

Spot me at these races: I am running Grandma’s Marathon in June and the Berlin Marathon in September!

Playing through my headphones: I love listening to Christian music – so positive and joyful, and helps me remember what a gift it is to be healthy and able to run!

On my plate for a post-race meal: I love all the post-race goodies! I make sure to load my post-race blanket full of treats such as granola bars, bananas, and peanut butter crackers. I also LOVE the pizza that is given out at the Pig Works events!

My special race-day ritual: I love to start my morning with peanut butter toast and a banana! I also bring ~6 gels with me to the start of the race to take every 5 miles. After taking pictures with friends and family, I thank God and pray prior to starting every race.

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Enjoy your time on the course! The crowd is AMAZING and so supportive throughout the race. Take some snacks along the way that the crowd gives out if you are looking to enjoy the run. For those racing – make sure not to start too fast, and know that the pacing groups will help lead you to victory. Have fun and good luck!

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Mikiahya Greene

Mikiahya Greene

My name is Mikiahya Greene, I’m 22 Years old and a disabled athlete. I have a T4 Spinal cord injury and I love trying new sports and challenging myself.

Favorite race distance: Any!

Spot me at these races: As many as I can find

On my plate for a post-race meal: Burgers or wings

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Just sign up & give it a try! Have fun!

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Norris Baker

Norris Baker

I was born in Bowling Green Kentucky but raise here in Cincinnat. I have 2 children, Sirron and Mckenzie. I started running about 3 years ago.

Favorite race distance: Half Marathon

Spot me at these races: I'll be running in the Montgomery to Selma 51 mile relay down in Montgomery Alabama

Playing through my headphones: Don't really have a favorite, but I like listening to up beat, motivational songs

On my plate for a post-race meal: Baked chicken tenders and french fries

Advice for future Pig Works race participants: Just do one mile at a time.

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Rocio Carrion Conde

Rocio Carrion Conde

Hi my name is Rocio I have had the pleasure to run many races all over the world. I use to run for my country of Peru.

Favorite race distance: Marathon

Spot me at these races: Heart Mini Marathon, Flying Pig, and all the Pig Works races.

Playing through my headphones: Symphony of destruction

On my plate for a post-race meal: Wings

My special race-day ritual: Praying

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: Train train and train

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Ryan Allex

Ryan Allex

I moved to Cincinnati over a year ago and with that came a new passion for running. Along with running, I love travel, stay active, and spend time with my people.

Favorite race distance: Half Marathon

Spot me at these races: San Francisco Full Marathon, Cincinnati Heart Mini, Athens Half Marathon, Hyde Park Blast, and any other ones I find along the way!

Playing through my headphones: Food For the Soul by it’s murph by

On my plate for a post-race meal: Pancakes and a black coffee

My special race-day ritual: I listen to the same first song at every race. You’ll have to ask me what it is 👀

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: Just sign up and push yourself to do things you never thought you could. You are strong and capable and can totally rock this race!!!

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Sami Dada

Sami Dada

Hi my names Sami dada, I am a lifestyle content creator in Cincinnati who love all things Cincinnati. I’m a ex track athlete that now likes to causally do 5k when I have the time.

Favorite race distance: 5K

Spot me at these races: Flying Pig 5K

Playing through my headphones: Body By Megan Thee Stallion

On my plate for a post-race meal: Chipotle

My special race-day ritual: I start my morning listening to some Nicki Minaj all morning to get my mind excited and prepared!

Advice for future PigWorks race participants: If you are thinking about it, I would urge you to take the leap of faith and give it a go! Do not feel like you need to compete with anyone, you are in a lane of your own.

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The Flying Pig

The Flying Pig

The Queen Bee

The Queen Bee

Tricia Mays

Tricia Mays

I love running for fun, friendship and support my running community. I completed my first marathon in October 2024.

Favorite race distance: 10K

Spot me at these races: Cap City Half Marathon, Eagle up Ultra 50k, Columbus 10k, Columbus Marathon

Playing through my headphones: Thunderstruck - AC/DC

On my plate for a post-race meal: Pancakes

My special race-day ritual: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the morning

My advice for future Pig Works race participants: Enjoy the experience. This race is so well supported by the community! Give high fives, if cheer stations have some sort of game, participate! Oh, and don’t forget to get a selfie with Elvis on the Eden Park Hill!

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