Thank you for registering to participate in the virtual FCC3, presented by Medpace. Proceeds from the event benefit the FC Cincinnati Foundation and Pig Works charities. Here are some quick reminders and helpful tips to help you complete your virtual event.
COMPLETING YOUR EVENT: We encourage participants to complete their virtual event sometime between now and October 7th, 2023.
SHARE YOUR PHOTOS: Share your virtual experience with us by using hashtag #FCCRace on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
YOUR RACE BIB: Download your FCC3 Virtual event bib HERE.
SUBMIT RESULTS: Click here to submit your results. Note, please use the drop down arrow to select "Virtual 3 Mile Run/Walk" and then hit the "Submit Virtual Results" button to post your results.
EVENT SHIRT & MEDAL: We invite local participants who would like to get their shirt and medal ASAP, to visit the virtual pick-up table at any of our FCC3 packet pick-up dates at the Pig Works offices (644 Linn St, Cincinnati, OH 45203, Third Floor). Packet pick-up dates and times are as follows:
Thursday, September 28th: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Friday, September 29th: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Shirts and medals will be mailed out in early October. Participants who do not receive their premiums by Friday, October 20, 2023 should email
Thank you and good luck!