The Culligan Party Zones will serve as a hub for spectators to show their support and enthusiasm while enjoying complimentary snacks and refreshments. Use the button below to view the party zone pace chart, which will help you determine when to expect your runner at each party zone.
Flying Pig Marathon Weekend
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Culligan Spectator Party Zones
Getting to the Party Zone on 7th Street & Elm Street is an easy walk and allows you plenty of time to drive to the next Party Zones at Springer School and East End on Delta for marathoners, Central Parkway & Walnut St for half-marathoners, or directly back to the finish area to meet up with the finishers. To get to the Party Zone at 7th and Elm from the start line, walk 5 blocks north on Elm Street. From downtown hotels or garages, Elm Street is in the heart of Downtown, between Plum and Race Streets. To walk to the Finish Line from this party zone turn south and head toward the river staying on Elm Street. This path will take you to the post-race party. To view the finish line, walk two blocks east to Vine Street, turn right onto Vine, and then continue toward the river to view the finish line from the area near the Roehling Suspension Bridge. The finish line is on Mehring Way along the riverfront. Cross the race course to the post-race area via the Roehling Suspension bridge Walkway and steps.
To drive to the next Party Zone at Springer School at Mile 9.2 of the Marathon course, it's recommended that you take 5th Street (by Fountain Square) and head east towards Walnut Street. Continue on 5th Street onto Columbia Parkway. Turn left onto Torrence Parkway, then right onto Herrick Avenue, followed by a left on Breen Street. Follow the signs to the parking lot at the end of Breen Street. Follow signs along the sidewalks to the Party Zone.
To get to the final Party Zone at Delta and Eastern Avenues at Mile 21, return to Columbia Parkway via Torrence Avenue. Turn left onto Columbia Parkway. Turn right at Columbia Square (just east of Delta Avenue). Parking is in this lot. Follow the signs along the sidewalks to the East End Party Zone.
To get to the Finish area from Springer School or East End Party Zone, return to downtown via Columbia Parkway heading west. Take the 3rd Street exit to access parking in one of the downtown garages on 3rd Street or Riverfront garages. The Finish Line is two blocks south of 3rd Street.
Getting to the Central Parkway Party Zone is easy - as is getting back to the finish area to meet up with finishers.
From the Party Zone at 7th & Elm, it is recommended that you walk east following the runners on 7th Street toward Walnut Street. Turn left on Walnut Street, and continue the Central Parkway. The party zone will be located between Walnut and Main Streets. Meet your half marathon finisher by walking south (toward the river) on Walnut or Vine Street, and then continue toward the river to view the finish line from the area near the Roebling Suspension Bridge. The finish line in on Mehring Way along the riverfront. Cross the race course to the post-race area via the Roebling Suspension bridge walkway and steps. The post-race area address is Smale Riverfront Park, 100 Ted Berry Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
Spectators wishing to originate and terminate their marathon viewing in the Hyde Park area will want to visit the Party Zone at Hyde Park Square on Erie Avenue. Parking is on the nearby side streets. Approximate address is 2700 Erie Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45208.
The start is on Elm Street between Second Street and Mehring Way. After the start, go north (toward downtown) on Elm Street to 7th Street and watch the runners at mile 5. To watch runners in the half marathon, follow the runners east on 7th Street to Walnut Street toward the river and the Roebling Suspension Bridge. The finish line is on Mehring Way near the Roebling Suspension Bridge. To get to the post-race area, use the suspension bridge's steps down to Smale Riverfront Park (address is 100 Ted Berry Way, Cincinnati, OH 45202.
There are many opportunities to see your favorite Flying Pig participant along the half and full marathon courses! Check out all the info below.
2024 Viewing Parties
The following restaurants are offering viewing opportunities with specials and entertainment:
- Moerlein Lager House - Opening at 6AM for a breakfast buffet, brunch service 10AM-2PM. Call or go online to make a reservation.
- Fulton Yards Coffeehouse & Spirits - Visit them on Riverside Drive for a special Flying Pig Latte and live music!
- Streetside Brewery - located at around mile 21.5, Streetside Brewery will be opening early with live music and food trucks!
- Nation at the Banks will be opening at 9am on both Saturday May 4th and Sunday May 5th.
- E+O will open both locations starting at 9AM and will have coffee for sale starting at 7:30AM
Check back for more closer to event weekend!
Cintas Rally Sow-El Stations
Volunteers will be distributing a limited supply of rally towels provided by Cintas Facility Services.
Volunteers will be distributing Rally Sow-els to spectators lining Pete Rose Way near the finish line.
The Rally Sow-el Station for the half-marathon is located on Eggleston Avenue at 5th Street, approximately the 12 Mile mark.
Looking for Other Fun Things to Do?
We've got a list of Cincinnati staples and hidden gems that you should fly over to during Flying Pig Marathon Weekend! Click Here
How to Spectate
How to be a great spectator
- Make noise to encourage the runners: cheer, clap, play music, or make your own music.
- Praise the runners individually. Many runners will have their names on their bib. (Ex: “Go number one! You’re doing great!”) He or she will truly appreciate it.
- Stay positive in your cheering. (No ‘boo’s, please!)
- Locate your cheering section on a hill or more challenging portion of the course. These are the places that the runners will need the most encouragement.
- Make distinctive signs and move to different locations throughout the course. Believe it or not, runners will remember you and it will encourage them to keep going.
- Do something to make runners smile. Sing, dance, or do tricks such as juggling. It may put the runners at ease for a few moments.
- Have a party with friends and/or neighbors if the course travels past your area.
Other tips to keep in mind
- Prepare for the weather. It may be cool in the morning but warm up by noon. You want to be sure to be able to stay to cheer on the runners in the back of the pack as well.
- If you see a runner who appears to need some help or medical attention, please try to remember his or her race number and inform a course monitor or fluid station volunteer. If the runner’s injury looks serious, please try to find a police officer on the course.
- Please do not crowd the runners by standing in the street, especially in the earlier miles. This may cause a backup for the runners and make the marathon more difficult.
- If a runner does not smile back or talk to you, please do not take this personally. The runner may be deep in concentration, fatigued, or in pain. Lack of response is usually not for lack of appreciation.
- There is plenty of water on the course at the fluid stations, but if it is a warm day, a runner may ask to be sprayed down with a hose. However, be certain that he or she is asking to get wet before spraying them.
- Keep in mind that the runners in the back of the pack need the most encouragement, as they will be out there the longest. Be sure to cheer for them as well!