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USA Today Readers' Choice 2024 Best Marathon – #1 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon
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Fleet Feet Cincinnati

We're expanding our Flying Pig Squadron and you are invited to fly with us!

We have so many loyal Flying Pig Marathon participants that we want to reward your loyalty by expanding our Flying Pig Squadron.

If you’ve completed five or more Flying Pig marathons, you can now be part of our Squadron! The qualifications to become a Flying Pig Marathon Squadron member are expanding to include full marathon participants who have completed at least five Flying Pig Marathons, in consecutive or nonconsecutive years.  Marathon finishers who qualify as Squadron members will receive a special award for completion of their 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th full Flying Pig marathons.

Squadron members who have completed ten full marathons will receive assigned bib numbers, recognition on the Flying Pig Marathon website and within the Event Guide. 

Here's how it works

During Flying Pig weekend: After participants pick up their marathon packets at the expo, they will proceed to the Squadron Booth.  Here the Squadron members will receive a wristband to wear on race morning.  The color of the band will designate which award they will receive for their Squadron status.  After completing the marathon, participants will need to go to a booth located in the post-race party at Smale Riverfront Park where the Squadron medals will be distributed.

In order for your marathon to count towards your Squadron status, you must participate in-person. The only exception is the 2020 virtual event, which will count towards Squadron status.

Congratulations to our 10-Year Squadron Members

Aaronson, Arthur 294 Leighton, John 528
Abplanalp, William 616 Lettera, Frank 398
Ach, Roger 231 Lewis, Michael 342
Ackerman, Dave 232 Liegibel, Frank 423
Acree-Hamann, Cindi 506 Lind, Joe 248
Adamcik, Lee 372 Linhart, Patricia 356
Adcock, Ryan  439 Livingston, Andy 276
Adkins, Gina 295 Loftin, Mark 649
Ahlert, David 558 Loper, Ronald A. 399
Alexander, Pete 260 Love, Bri 277
Allison, Scott 612 Lucky, Paul 572
Alverson, Greg 261 Madden, Steve 475
Amburgy, Rodney 645 Maine, Dave 318
Ammerman, Neal 233 Marlowe, Richard 400
Ammerman, Rebecca 345 Marshall, Wendy 175
Anderson, Patrick 262 Martin, Neil 529
Andrews, Thomas 346 Mason, Emily 551
Ash, Kevin 440 Maxwell, Doug 476
Auerbach, Robin 441 Mazur, Michael 574
Babbitt, Geoff 296 Mcaninch, Heather 634
Baker, Brandon 559 McConnell, Stacey 530
Balent, Paul 234 Mccormick, Sean 477
Banoun, Mohamed 235 McGilvray, Patrick 640
Barnes, Rita 206 McGrail, Jill 319
Barton, Adam 625 McGrory, Martin 278
Barton, Richard 207 McGrory, Sean 631
Baxter, Jeff 297 McGruder, James 357
Becker, Mike 263 Mchale, Sean 478
Beerman, Chris 442 McMickle Sr, Guy 377
Bellman, Michael 560 McVey, Kimberly 320
Benavides, Marco A. 507 Meacham, Scott 424
Benkert, Michael 639 Mead, Ian 479
Beran, George 443 Meier, John 358
Berta-Coggeshall, Mary 298 Meister, Raymond 249
Beshalske, Jim 444 Melnyk, Nestor 250
Beuke, Bill 561 Menrath, Bill 615
Bigelow, Pedro 608 Metherd, Michael 425
Bihl, Scott 445 Metherd, Warren 378
Bily, William 299 Metz, Thomas 321
Birgel, Rick 643 Meyer, Bill 359
Birkhimer, Gerald 446 Meyer, Jill 611
Blackford, Darris 447 Meyer, Jim 575
Blackford, Starshine 448 Meyer, Joe 322
Blair, Martha 264 Michel, Douglas 576
Blake, Chuck 622 Miles, Melanie 531
Blake, Rita 647 Miller, Tracy 323
Blanchard, Elizabeth 383 Minotti, Mark 279
Bledsoe, Char 384 Mitchell, Joanne 577
Bollinger, Dave 385 Mitzen, Josh 480
Borchers, John 386 Molina, Roland 481
Bossow, Donald 300 Momburg, Scott 595
Brandstetter, Steve 387 Montgomery, Ed 360
Brashear, Bob 638 Moody, Rick 426
Breen, Ryan 388 Moore, David 401
Bride, Nancy 449 Moreland, Joshua 552
Bucher, Lance 450 Murakami, Kiwa 482
Buell, Christopher 630 Murray, Terry 251
Busch, Rob 562 Myres, Ann 605
Buzek, Bill 347 Nanjundan, Narmada 578
Byerly, Kevin 265 Nash, Brian 252
Cady, Tom 451 Neff, Joe 655
Cahill, Ken 508 Neumann, Bill 532
Campbell, Brandy 623 Nguyen, John 533
Candy, TJ 301 Nichols, Robert 483
Canter, Daniel 594 Nowicki, Barney 253
Carr, Steve 563 Noyes, Diana 553
Caruso, Kerri 564 Noyes, Kenny 361
Carver, Jenny 452 Nunlist, Roger 280
Caudell, Richard 453 Nussbaum, Michael 324
Cavanaugh, Chris 266 Obbie, Todd 613
Caylor, Paul 509 Obermeyer, Robert 219
Cherry, Nathan 510 Ogden, Jim 484
Christ, Jeffrey 267 Oldendick, Linda 281
Christofield, Chris 454 Osborne, Frank 220
Clark, Robert L 236 Owen, Melanie 379
Clark, Thanh 511 Paff, Ed 221
Clarke, Tim 412 Patton, Jerl 554
Cline, Todd 565 Peters, Nick 500
Cohee, Gary 237 Pfeffer, Michael 222
Collins, Paul 374 Pfeffer, Ronald 254
Connor, John 268 Ping, James 408
Coons, Randy 389 Pinilla-Foster, Nitza 486
Corey, John 566 Platt, Robert 427
Corfman, David 455 Pleshinger, Jim 223
Corry, David 238 Plumley, Scott 579
Corson, Lynn 456 Plummer, Joseph 402
Cosgrove, Karen 269 Pollard, Jeremie 555
Coulson, Jack 239 Pollock, Mike 487
Coyle, Tim 512 Popowics, Dan 255
Craig, Arthur 614 Posge, Nina 651
Crawford, Holly 437 Powell, Bryan 580
Curtis, Bennie 348 Quinlan, Dan 256
Curtis, Harry 208 Raake, Don 380
Custer, David 302 Ragase, Mark 428
Daley, Susan 390 Rath, Michael 596
Danker, Mary Beth 240 Reed, Joshua 581
Daugherty, Brad 413 Regg, Brian 488
Davidson, James 270 Reichard, John 582
Davis, Darryl C 457 Rhodes, Sandra 403
Davis, Erin 391 Richeson, John 410
Davis, Laurie 241 Riffle, Jason 429
Dawson, David 545 Riordan, Keenan 534
DeRouen, Brian 601 Rioux, Michael 535
Dolish, Charles 635 Rizzo, Joe 430
Dooley, Josh 349 Roberson, Richard 325
Dougherty, John 513 Roberts, James 489
Downey, Beatrice 209 Robinson, David "Batman" 257
Dryfuse, Kevin 567 Rogge, Laura 583
Dufresne, Dan 602 Rome, Bruce 641
Duggan, Bridget 303 Rosiello, Mike 224
Ebel, Rose 304 Runkle, Rob 362
Edwards, Bobby 305 Russell, Brenda 593
Effler, Tim 458 Russo, Jennifer 404
Erdaty, Adel 648 Rust, Cindy 258
Estill, Cherie 546 Saccone, Vickie 326
Evans, Steve 568 Sackett, Mark 597
Ewing, Kelly 514 Sakemiller, Ryan 490
Fahrenkamp, Kyle 414 Sallee, Jerry 225
Favret, Bruce 515 Sam, Hai 646
Fehrenbach, Bob 516 Sampson, Shane 363
Fenton, Frank 392 Samson, Logan 431
Ferguson, Steven 438 Sanders, Admiral 405
Ficker, Douglas 393 Sarchet, Renee 556
Flaska, Kris 459 Sarky, Donna 584
Fleck, Ethan 569 Scarborough, Keith 327
Fortner, Ryan 460 Scharff, Dan 226
Frank, Brad 394 Schickel (Ray), Kathy 544
Frank, Charley 306 Schmidt Moore, Patricia 629
Franke, Gary 461 Schmitt, Joetta 328
Frazier, Tyler 517 Schmitz, John 227
Fremont, Mike 242 Schoenefeld, Kelly 585
Frey, Michael 271 Scholz-Pinger, Julia 628
Fritz, Joseph 350 See, Mike 491
Fritzhand, Martin 351 Seibert, Paul 282
Fryman, David 210 Sherrard, Teresa 654
Gabelman, Tom 547 Shinkle, Natalya 381
Garland, Cindy 308 Sigman, Jenness 492
Garland, Joe 307 Simmons, Christina 557
Garner, Sean 632 Sirois, Shirley 228
Garrod, Matthew 548 Sizemore,Phyllis 502
Gastrich, Jody 395 Slattery, Steve 432
Gatewood, Andy 624 Smith, Lonnie 598
Gerth, Joshua 415 Smith, Tamara 609
Gertz II, Tony 652 Snelling (Boodram), Jane 406
Gertz, Tom 549 Southwood, Steve 283
Gilday, Beth 619 Spicher, Amy 493
Gillepsie, Steven 518 Sprague, Jennifer 536
Gillespie, John 243 Stauffer, Gregory 494
Gillespie, Steven 550 Steffen, Carey 586
Gleason, Sylvia 570 Steioff, Chad 537
Gobins, Deborah 352 Stephenson, Grant 538
Golan, Steven 244 Stevens, James 364
Gooding, Mark 272 Stitt, Jason 610
Gorski, Joanne 416 Storm, Marcia 606
Gracie, Bob 245 Strasser, Matt 587
Gray, Alison 353 Straw, Sheri 329
Greiner, Mark 417 Stricker-Campton, Cathy 229
Gruden, Mary Alice 519 Strickler, Steve 503
Haas, Sandy 309 Studer, Douglas 330
Hale, Russell 211 Stupak, Jeff 495
Hamilton, Carter 310 Sturm, Jill 284
Hanneken, Bill 603 Sukhai, Mohan 626
Harnist, Douglas 311 Sullivan, Susan 588
Haught, John Christian 418 Sutter, James 365
Hawkins, Marcus 520 Suttmiller, Janet 496
Healey, Roger 462 Suzuki, Takuji 407
Heilman, Kenji 521 Sweetay, Bill 285
Henger, Matthew 653 Swisshelm, Rod 589
Hensley, Keith 463 Szekeresh, Richard 286
Herbert, Jay 396 Tantlinger, Joel 607
Heritage, Charles 273 Thatcher, Andy 497
Hicks, Alan 499 Thayer, Patrick 433
Hill Jr, Louis 636 Theiss, Kimberly 259
Hogan, Steve 464 Thistlethwaite, Kayte 657
Horenziak, Jen 522 Thomas, Charles 287
Horenziak, Steve 354 Thomas, Rodney 539
Horseman, Emily 650 Thornberry, Kimberly 366
Hotz-Sampogna, Marguerite 213 Tighe, Debbie 331
Hughes, Iain 419 Toney, Michael 332
Hung, Andy 644 Torkildsen (Carpenter), Lana 333
Hunziker, Eric 571 Tranter, Terry 334
Hurley, Margaret 214 Trapp, Gregory 617
Huston, Larry 312 Troknya, James 335
Isenhart, Scott 375 Tsukada, Chizuru 656
Jackobs, Miriam 313 Tumlin, Brian 620
Jackson, Randall 314 Turner (Poole), Sharon 288
Jacobs, Steven 641 Ulm, Stephen 590
Janosky, Mark 465 Upham (Hensley), Jennifer 336
Jansing, James 215 Vance, Roger 289
Jasinski, Bob 501 VanLeeuwen, Eugene 411
Jenkins, Rose 315 Veal, Bryan 337
Jepson, Leanne 274 Vu, Doan 230
Johnson, Catherine 376 Wagers, Leonard 338
Johnson, Earl 637 Wagner, Paul 382
Johnson, Matthew 523 Walsh, Jim 599
Jones, Bruce 355 Wander, Arden 504
Joseph, Scott 466 Weber, Michael 367
Keegan, Kevin 275 Welling, Stacy 290
Keegan, William 246 Wertalik Eads, Erin 368
Kelly, Craig 409 Wesley, Susan 621
Kercsmar, Michael 524 Wheeler, Mike 339
Kesner, Matt 604 Whipp, Bill 369
Kimball, Thomas 216 Welland, James 201
King, Justin 525 White, Jessica 541
Kirkbride, Tana 436 White, Nicole 627
Klefeker, Justin 397 Wiechman, Barry 370
Kling, Jeff 421 Williams, George 591
Klosterman, Kelly 467 Willis, James (Dale) 371
Knoth, Tim 422 Willoughby, Eric 292
Koch, Mark 217 Wilson, Jerry 340
Kolita, Connie 247 Whipp, Bill 369
Koprowski, Thomas 468 Wise, Jason 498
Kossen, Andrew 469 Woods, Cathy 435
Kramer, Karen 470 Woolley, Ryan 291
Krombholz, Lee 471 Yang, Lei 542
Krone, Paul 526 Yohman, Don 592
Krumpelbeck, Jack 316 York, Peter 293
Ladenburger, Jeff 218 Young, Stephan 505
Lasse, David 472 Zadek, Nancy 600
Laux, Michael 618 Zadek, Nancy 600
Laux, Thomas 317 Zappia, Mike 341
Lawry, Erin 473 Zumbiel, Gary 543
Lefler, Kevin 474    
Lehman, Patricia 527    
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